Wednesday, October 31, 2007

tram rides and animal shows

Wanna go for tramrides or animal shows? Click here to find out!

getting to singapore zoo

Whats up? Wanna know how to get to The Singapore Zoological Gardens? Click here to find out!><

Hey guys! This is a song specially chosen by us named "What I've Done" by Linkin' Park. Click this to listen! Lets boogey!!

Tiger cratoon video

Yo, if you wanna see a cool tiger video click this. Enjoy!! =]

The Singapore Zoo Map!!

Yo, we managed to get the Singapore Zoological Gardens's map. Read this if you dun wanna get lost... lol Honestly, we think that this whole map thing was a piece of crap.. So c0mpl!c4t3d

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

About this blog

Hey all.. This blog is created by us named Zaki, Hamizan, Glendon, Syafiq. You can call us BoyZ2Men for short.